"Which of my all important nothings should I tell you first?" ~ Jane Austen, in a letter to her sister


Friday, March 25, 2011

Family Flashback Friday

In conjunction with my sisters post last night, here's a family themed Flashback Friday:

From left to right, that's my brother, my mom & dad, me holding my nephew, my sister holding my niece and my brother-in-law. I think this was when I was in 8th grade. I loved those white pants! They had zipper pockets just above the pleated front. Eeek. Go 80's fashion.

This was back when our family was fairly normal. Or so I thought. My brother & sister were from my dad's first marriage and I was from my mom's first marriage - but then dad adopted me as a baby so he's the only dad I know. Because I was a baby when this family "merged" it was a long time before I realized that we actually were a combined family. 

I was only 7 when my sister got married so my brother-in-law has almost always been my brother-in-law, you know? (Except now they are divorced, after 27 years of marriage, and he's set up housekeeping (antiquated terminology - love it) with my cousin on my mom's side. That's another story for another day. At least he's still in the family.)

Happy Friday, my friends.

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